
A big walk in the forest

Yesterday afternoon, we had a long and so nice walk with my lover in a wood near my town. There you can find weird trees with strange shapes (middle picture), they look a bit like tall bonsai, they are quite famous here, we call them 'les faux de Verzy". There's no clear explanation about the reason of their uncommon shape and that's also...

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Retro Montmartre

Another retro-styled pic I took in Montmartre. Another retro-styled pic I took in Montmartre. ...

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C'est beau l'amour...

I took this picture in the "Jardins du Luxembourg" in Paris. I love this so cute bird kiss ! I took this picture in the "Jardins du Luxembourg" in Paris. I love this so cute bird kiss ! ...

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Happy easter !

I can't wait to hear her new album !

I have just learned that Bat of Lashes launched a new album these days. It was a wonderful discovery when I listened to their first album a few years ago. I love their universe and the singer's voice makes me think of Bjork's one, my favorite singer. That's the kind of music that inspires me. I have just learned that Bat of Lashes...

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Paris again...

Some pics of the last time I went to Paris, these were mostly taken in Montmartre. I love this vintage board, "Au lapin Agile", this cabaret doesn't exist anymore unfortunately but It gives a nice idea of the atmosphere that might has been in there. ...

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I can't help to go there...

Each time I go to Paris, this is the place I love to wander around. I took Montmartre hundreds of times in picture but each time I find a new way to capture Its streets with the feeling of the moment. Each time I go to Paris, this is the place I love to wander around. I took Montmartre hundreds of times in...

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Little walk in the "Jardins du Luxembourg"

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