
Lost in translation

Yesterday evening I watched again one of my fave movies ever : "Lost in Translation" directed by Sofia Coppola, It's really a masterpiece, such a wonderful source of inspiration for me and It show the Japan I love, very dreamy and cosy. It's so obvious that Sofia Coppola was a photographer before becoming a so talented director. I can't wait to see her...

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Have a lovely weekend !

This afernoon, I go visiting a yummy exibition about chocolate ! I will probaby bring back some delicious recipes, I hope I can find some macarons...Here are some of my last Etsy images. I'm thinking about creating a 2010 calendar with my Paris pictures, What do you think about that ? ...

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Macarons !!

I'm mad of macarons and today I'm going to try to make some with "foie gras", I hope I will succeed... ...

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