
Garance Dore

I just discovered the work of Garance Doré. I knew her name, I already saw her illustrations but never made the link between them. She's also a fashion photographer, on her blog she features people she took in the streets that she thought have an amazing style. ...

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Sadie Olive Photography

I love the work of this photographer from California, Sadie Olive. I especially love Its vintage feeling. She also own a brocante shop filled of beautiful home decorations. ...

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My wedding photography website

I wanted so much for a while now to create my own wedding photography website, It's done now ! You can have a look at It here : http://www.elisabethperotin.com/I'm sorry It's in french for the moment but as I would love to make wedding photography abroad, I will soon create an other version of this website in english. ...

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Promise Tangeman

This morning I discovered the work of a great american artist, Promise Tangeman (lovely name, Promise, isn't It ?). She's a photographer but also a graphic designer, the wedding invitations she designed are stunning. ...

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B comme Bon

Valérie Szewczyk is a very talented graphic designer but also an excellent cook and photographer, so much skills in one person ! Her blog, B comme bon is one of my favourite cooking blog, her photographs are so amazing that they make me want immediatly to hurry to the kitchen to prepare the meal featured. ...

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Japanese afternoon

Yesterday, I went to see my friend Mariko at a japanese exhibition that took place next to my town. She was teaching to visitors how to make Shoji, japanese calligraphy, I love the way she use the brush, everything you write that way becomes art. It makes me want to put some shoji on my walls. ...

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Our wedding photographer

Me and David's wedding has been postponed in 2011. We already have chosen our photographer, It will be Melissa Johnston, a very talented wedding photographer from Ottawa. You can see more of her amazing work on her website or blog : http://www.melissajohnstonphotography.com/. ...

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Sloan Photographers

I'm working on my Photography website at the moment, I loved so much to capture all the unforgetable moments of my childhood friend Severine's wedding that I decided to do It as a job. I'm already a photographer but I never really did wedding photography as a professional. I would love to do pregnancy and new-born pictures too. I feel a lot inspired...

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Help Haiti

It's hard not to feel helpless when such enormous devastation occurs in the world like in Haiti.The american organization Save The Children has launched an emergency relief effort for Haiti. Donate to their fund to provide medical attention and clean water to children and families.http://www.savethechildren.org/newsroom/2010/haiti-relief.html.15% of each of my sales in my Etsy shop will be donated to Save the Children.Photo : Marlon...

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I miss New-York !

I took these pics in 1996, from the Twin Towers, there was a so much amazing view from there. At least, I will be able to say to my grand-children : I have been there ! ...

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