Such a great experience for me as a photographer was to shoot this autumn wedding ! Audrey and Anton wanted their wedding photos to look unique and they love, like me the warm tones of this beautiful season. ...
It was Melanie and Thomas's idea to do their couple session in this wonderful place they made me discover. Thomas works as a volunteer fireman at Versailles and thanks to that his collegues could make us enter in private places of Versailles. I was so thrilled to see the Marie-Antoinette's hamlet, so quiet and beautiful, a dream for a photographer ! ...
This adorable couple gave me the occasion to live one of the biggest experiences of my life : to fly in an helicoptere ! I was so impressed, It was an unforgetable wedding for me ! And congratulations to Capucine and Nicolas for their upcoming bliss ! ...
I loved so much to shoot this wedding, Helene's ideas for her wedding were very inspiring for me. When I met her I knew exactly what she wanted concerning her couple session, something very natural and fun. And as I knew the main colors of her wedding were pink and black, I created this big pink letters, I love these pink touches appearing...
I'm a photographer and graphic designer. I live in Reims, France. My blog is about everything I love, Photography, music, illustration, cooking, fashion, Japan, travels.
If you wish to have a glimpse of my work a a photographer, here is my website :