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Sophie and Noam's wedding

It wasn't a dificult job to make beautiful pictures of such a radiant bride. Even if the day began with a little misadventure, It became idyllic again very quickly. Sophie and Noam are an absolutely adorable couple, they were smilling all day long and they had good reasons for that... I wish them a lot of happiness. ...

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Melissa and Charles wedding - Welcome to the circus !

Melissa wanted the circus to be the theme of her reception with that slogan : "Life is a circus, love is forever". The reception took place in the very classy "Pavillon Dauphine" in Paris. Melissa designed everything herself, she really could become a wedding decorator ! The only thing she didn't make herself was the fantastic wedding cake which was beautifully made by...

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Melissa and Charles wedding - The couple session

There are so many nice places to shoot a couple in Paris that It's always hard to make a choice. But the Trocadero Carousel is one of my favourite ones and It was to occasion to get an ice-cream ! ...

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Melissa and Charles wedding - The preparations

Melissa is American and lives in Paris with Charles who became her husband last month. I knew as soon as I met them last year in my favourite bakery "Sugarplum Cakeshop" that this wedding was going to be unique. And It was even more wonderful than I expected ! This first part was shooted at Splendid Etoile Hotel in Paris which offers a...

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Alicia and Thomas wedding - The venue

The reception took place in the magnificient castle of Quincampoix. The tables were beautifully decorated by Alicia herself. Everything was there to make a very classy and cosy wedding. Congratulations Alicia and Thomas ! ...

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Alicia and Thomas wedding - The couple session

A session full of love, isn't It ? No need to ask them to be romantic, they were naturally, a so cute couple !   ...

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Alicia and Thomas wedding - The Ceremony

I love every wedding I shoot for a different reason, among a lot of reasons I loved this one because of all the emotions there was, It was so obvious that this couple is crazy about each other that It was a real pleasure to shoot all this love (and tears...) between them. The first part is the ceremony, certainly the first time...

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